Card Management
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Take control of your debit cards by using Card Management through State Bank & Trust Co.'s internet or mobile banking. With our all-in-one debit card management tool, you can experience the convenience of 24/7 self-service on all your SBT debit cards!
Manage Your Cards
- Receive real-time detailed transaction information, including merchant name, contact information, and location.
- Receive real-time transaction notifications seconds after a transaction occurs.
- Create travel notifications when you plan to travel out of state or country.
- Place limits on everyday spending by location, amount, merchant type, and transaction type.
- Access card credentials without having your physical card.
- Add your State Bank & Trust Co. debit cards to your mobile wallet (ex. Apple Pay or Google Pay) for contactless payments.
Protect Yourself from Fraud
- Identity suspected fraudulent charges.
- Limit card use by merchant types, transaction categories, and location.
- Turn your card off and report it lost or stolen.
- Allow or block certain transactions: in-store, online, by phone, ATM or international.
- Stay informed of potential fraud with alerts on attempted and declined transactions.
- Turn your card off temporarily when misplaced, then turn it back on once located.
How to get started:
Existing Online or Mobile Banking Users: If you are already an internet or mobile banking user, you will see Card Management as a menu item to access from within internet or mobile banking. From desktop internet banking, navigate to "Additional Services" in the menu bar at the top of your screen. Within mobile banking, you will click on the "More" button on your iPhone or Andriod device. Once you access Card Management, your cards will be available to manage!
Not enrolled in Online or Mobile Banking? Simply register for intnert/mobile banking either through your desktop computer, or from your device by downloading the SBT Mobile App. When your application is approved, you will have access to all your State Bank & Trust Co. bank accounts, Card Management, as well as many other convenient features, such as online statements, mobile deposit and bill pay.